Current Outages
There are no current outages. If you are experiencing an outage please contact your Electricity Retailer.
Planned Outages
Wednesday the 26th of February 2025 from 9.00AM to 6.30PM
26 Waitaki Street, Henderson (all properties).
Vector has major upgrades/reinforcements planned in your area. For safety reasons this means Vector will have to turn off your power temporarily.
We advise you to switch off all sensitive electrical equipment for the duration of the shutdown. Please remember, for your own safety, to treat all wiring and sockets as live. Please notify the organisations that monitor any health and security alarms as these may be affected by this power outage.
If you use medical equipment that relies on electricity, please make sure you’re prepared for power disruption and enact your back-up plan when required. If you have not done so already, we suggest that you register your medically dependent status with your retailer.
If you have a health concern, contact your health provider – in an emergency contact 111.
If you have any concerns about our service or wish to lodge a complaint, please email us at to access our free complaints process. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may also call the free independent dispute resolution service provided by the Utilities Disputes Commissioner on 0800 22 33 40 or visit
Tuesday the 4th of March 2025 from 10.00AM to 11.00AM
30-32 Anzac Road, Browns Bay Auckland – All properties at the Kauri Apartments.
Infrastructure Solutions NZ Ltd (ISNZL) is carrying out Network Maintenance at 30-32 Anzac Road, Browns Bay, Auckland. For safety reasons this means ISNZL will have to turn off your power temporarily.
We advise you to switch off all sensitive electrical equipment for the duration of the shutdown. Please remember, for your own safety, to treat all wiring and sockets as live. Please notify the organisations that monitor any health and security alarms as these may be affected by this power outage.
If you use medical equipment that relies on electricity, please make sure you’re prepared for power disruption and enact your back-up plan when required. If you have not done so already, we suggest that you register your medically dependent status with your retailer.
If you have a health concern, contact your health provider – in an emergency contact 111.
If you have any concerns about our service or wish to lodge a complaint, please email us at to access our free complaints process. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may also call the free independent dispute resolution service provided by the Utilities Disputes Commissioner on 0800 22 33 40 or visit